News from Euro HSP

Adolf-Strümpell-Prize 2025

Best Paper Award Adolf-Strümpell-Prize 2025 for HSP-Therapy

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euroSPG4 Project - Summer Update 2024

The euroSPG4 consortium successfully completed the first project year and started the second. Time for providing an update …

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Euro-HSP Welcomes Germany

We proudly continue in puzzling a strong HSP-patient together

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Adolf Struempell Prize Winner 2024: Lotte van de Venis

Euro-HSP is pleased to announce that the Adolf Struempell Prize 2024 will be awarded to Mrs. Lotte van the Venis

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Adolf-Strümpell-Prize 2024

Best Paper Award Adolf-Strümpell-Prize 2024 for HSP-Therapy

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Euro-HSP Strategy Meeting

On 23 September, the Euro-HSP Strategy Meeting 2023 will take place in Innsbruck.

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HSP Patient Journey developed by Adam Lawrence and Lori Renna Linton

Patient Journeys  are info-graphical overviews that visualize patients’ needs in the care of their rare disease. Because Patient Journeys are designed…

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Adolf-Strümpell Prize Winner 2022: Dr. Martin Regensburger

The Euro-HSP Group is pleased to award the Adolf Struempell Prize to Dr. Martin Regensburger from the University Hospital Erlangen for his paper…

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